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20 February

How Can Yoga Enhance Beauty?

How Can Yoga Enhance Beauty? Designerplanet 

Yoga puc
Every woman in this world wishes to remain young and beautiful for ever. And each one tries to improve her beauty through natural as well as artificial methods. Even the middle aged women keep trying to regain their youth and beauty.

The Indian system of Yoga prescribes eight Aasans or Yogic postures which if practised daily can bestow a well balanced physique. Although this course is for one month, but if these exercises are performed regularly one can remain young for a longer period of one’s life. These Aasans can also prove to be a boon for those ladies whose skin has started to wrinkle, black circles have appeared around the eyes and the stomach has become flabby.

Yoga is a wonderful method for gaining physical strength, fitness and beauty in your life. Yoga helps to reduce excess fat in the body, makes you healthy and brings a shine of confidence on your face. Yoga makes the body flexible and plays a vital role in overcoming stress and ageing.


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