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04 December

Winter Weather Skin Care Tips 2025. Designerplanet

Winter Weather Skin Care Tips. Designerplanet 

Skincare cream

Healthy Beauty

winter skincare

Winter weather affects your skin in several ways. Dry skin is the most common result of seasonal weathering.Winter skin care can be very difficult in cold climates.Skin needs extra TLC during the colder months. Here are some quick pointers.How to banish dry skin and give your winter skin care regimen a boost.

Winter Skin Care Tips:
Seek a Specialist:

If you go to your local drugstore, you'll be hard put to find a salesperson who can give you good advice. That's why going to an esthetician or dermatologist even once is a good investment. Such a specialist can analyze your skin type, troubleshoot your current skin care regimen, and give you advice on the skin care products you should be using.

Moisturize More:

You may have found a moisturizer that works just fine in spring and summer.  But as weather conditions change, so, too, should your skin care routine.  Find an "ointment" moisturizer that's oil-based, rather than water-based, as the oil will create a protective layer on the skin that retains more moisture than a cream or lotion.

Best 5 moisturizers for dry skin:

  • Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream:  
  • Ponds Super Light Gel Moisturizer: 
  • SkinKraft Ultra Rich Moisturizer: 
  • CeraVe Moisturizing Cream: 
  • Vanicream Moisturizing Skin Cream:

1. Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream

2. Ponds Super Light Gel Moisturizer:

3. SkinKraft Ultra Rich Moisturizer: 

4.CeraVe Moisturizing Cream:

5. Vanicream Moisturizing Skin Cream:

Harmful UV Rays:

Even though you can’t see it, the winter sun is still emitting harmful UVA and UVB rays. They may not be as strong as they are in the summer, but they are still doing damage to your skin. Be sure to use SPF and products that contain SPF to protect your skin from the harmful rays of that sneaky winter sun.

Dry Heat:

Who doesn’t love to jump in the car and put the heat on full force when it’s 10 degrees outside? (Or if you live in my state, -10 degrees!) Blowing that hot air feels so nice but it is doing a lot of damage to your skin because dry heat is dehydrating to your skin. We don't want you to freeze to death, we just want you to itch less. To avoid dry, flaky, itchy skin use moisturizers throughout the day as needed, drink more water and try putting humidifier in your bedroom to counter-balance the dry heat from your heater.

Slather on the Sunscreen:

No, sunscreen isn't just for summertime. Winter sun -- combined with snow glare -- can still damage your skin. Try applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen to your face and your hands (if they're exposed) about 30 minutes before going outside. Reapply frequently if you stay outside a long time.

Perfumes and Additives:

You may have some nice smelling soaps and lotions that are your favorites, but you might want to take a break from them in the winter. Oftentimes products full of these ingredients can dry out your skin. You don't notice it in the summer because your skin has extra humidity to it. Read the labels of your skincare products and opt for the ones that are more natural and don’t contain as many fragrances and dyes. Also look for products that are Ph balanced.

Hot baths and showers:

They feel so good during the cold, winter months (we know!), but they are not doing your skin any favors. Try to avoid that hot water as much as possible and always (always, always!) moisturize after your shower or bath.

Poor Diet:

Believe it or not, what you eat can affect your skin. Since winter weather doesn’t means sweater season over swimsuit season, sometimes the healthy eating slows down. (Comfort food, anyone?) But, just like any other season, if you pay attention to your diet you may see some welcomed changes in your skin. Vitamins A and E as well as Fish Oil have been found to be helpful for dry, irritated skin. Also, try to avoid drinking too many caffeinated beverages as those will dehydrate your skin. (Best Vitamins for Healthy Skin)

If you're not sure how best to protect your skin this winter or if your skin looks infected, you should consult your doctor. In the meantime, check out the next page for a few tips for keeping your skin feeling and looking healthy until the spring.

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    1. V Guard
    2. AO Smith
    3. Havells
    4. Racold
    5. Crompton
    6. Bajaj Electricals
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    8. Morphy Richards
    9. Jaquar
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