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18 January

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Designer Planet:Best Electric Shaver and Beard Trimmer for Men and Women

1. Movability

Before you go to the store to check the beard trimmer, ask yourself how do you intend to use the trimmer? Is it just for your beard, or will you use it for your hair and other parts of your body?

Multi-use beard trimmer has a wide range of length that enables you to trim your beard, head and body.
Panasonic ER-GB40-S451 Men's Trimmer, for example, has 19 length settings and it is effective to trim your chest and other parts of your body (you will find it listed in our beard trimmer reviews).
2. implied or cordless

The advantages of both the corded and cordless beard trimmers are:

    Cordless trimmers have more flexibility than the corded trimmers because you can use them practically anywhere. Most cordless trimmers provide up to one hour of cutting time on a charge, requiring full power separately from the trimmer to the trimmer for the length of the charge.
    Corded trimmers, generally speaking, offer a little more power. They also provide peace of mind knowing that your trimmer's battery does not run in the middle of the trim.

If you choose a cordless trimmer, it is necessary to know the length of the battery before recharging. With corded trimmers, the length of the chord can be important if you are seeking maximum mobility in your bathroom or in another area where you do your trimming.

Cordless trimers usually come with a charging station, or stand, and you can leave your charger in stand until its next use is to ensure full charge.

3. attachments

Many trimmers come with attachments that are added to the unit to achieve different lengths and different styles - such as a goat - or include a stable guide attachment that will allow you to get a standalone look. It is popular among many men who helps.
4. The length of your beard

When choosing a trimmer, the length of your beard - medium, small, stubble - is an important factor. Make sure the settings of more than one length you choose. In addition, some trimmers are best for short hair, having other long hair - and so on. The bottom line is that the trimmer you choose supports the length of the beard.

5. Wet and dry use
Many of the best trimers are good for wet and dry use, that is, you can use it with shower and / or bearded gels, lotions and foam. Waterproof trimers are usually easy to clean, as well. In most cases, you wash your hair with water to remove additional hair trimming. It is difficult to beat such a facility.#designerplanet, top brand,

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Designer Planet: Eyebrow Slits 

Designer Planet:Best beard trimmers

Facial hair has become the all-season trend among men of any age and origin. Sports, from solid bristles to thick beards that fit into the pseudo-millennium (for example, a city woodcutter) or a mature crowd, look standard these days And at the entrance to the roughest section of winter, the style should be more than fasteners. Protect sensitive skin with any number of beard styles, cut your hair in the morning on your face. Still want to get closer, but leave the slightest bristle? Do not worry about anything - see our best electric shavers.

Most guys seem to think that growing a beard is difficult. Not at all. This is the easy part. Control this naughty Ideally, you want it to be neat and tidy - just like the hair on your head. Proper care of a beard that requires commitment and proper care: a beard trimmer.

#designerplanet, top brand,

TOP 5 best beard trimmers 

Philips Norelco Multigroom 3000 
Wahl Lithium Ion All-In-One Grooming Kit 

Panasonic ER-GB37 Men's Trimmer (Black) 
 Remington PG6025 All-in-1 Grooming Kit 
TRYM II Rechargeable Modern Hair Clipper Kit   

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