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15 December

Shahnaz Husain Hair Touch Up Plus Hair Color , Black - Designerplanet

 Shahnaz Husain Hair Touch Up Plus Hair Color , Black and Brown- Designerplanet 

Shahnaz Husain Hair Touch Up Plus Hair Color , Black and Brown- Designerplanet

Hair Touch Up Plus 

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Shahnaz Husain Hair Touch Up Plus is a temporary Hair dye.Its enriched with natural oil.

The Product is good as it does what it claim.One of the  most common problems faced by us  is graying of hair. It is best for those people whoever is  suffering from gray and dull Hair.


It is simple and easy to use and does not have any side effects. 

It comes in good packaging. 

Affordable Price


Not easily available. 

Shahnaz Husain Shafair Plus Fairness Soap 100g (Pack Of 2)


#designerplanet #shahnazhusain

Designer Planet: Shahnaz Husain 2-in-1 Anti Ageing Gel

Designer Planet: Shahnaz Husain 2-in-1 Anti Ageing Gel 

Shahnaz Husain Honey Mud

 Shahnaz Husain Honey Mud Pack, 100g
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