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01 July

Top Hair Trends for Women. Designerplanet


Top Hair Trends for Women. Designerplanet 

Hair can be twisted and rolled, curled and straightened, colored and styles in all sorts of ways to keep up with the changing fashion trends that come and go with each season. The hair can be worn in a sophisticated style or as craziest up-dos but all the hair trends have some common styles in common that are put up in various combos to get the desired looks. They range from the simplest ones to complicated and high-maintenance styles. A high ponytail sprayed with misty hairspray lends adds an instant playfulness to your persona while bangs below the eyebrows that are cut straight across like a blunt cut keep coming back every alternate year or two. Hairs that have never been out of fashion are long hair with good volume. You can add extra volume and body to your hair by applying a volumizing mousse to hair roots and then blow-drying with a round brush.

You can always look stylish by using your fingers to make your hairs look wavy. Use a bit of styling cream on damp hair to create ripples and let the hair dry naturally. Get an instant corporate look by opting for a deep side parting or keep your hair in a slicked back style by using styling cream and combing them back. If you have stubborn hair you may opt for hairspray to tame them. Wavy and sleek hairstyles are a part of hair fashion cycle and keep bouncing back from time to time. You can get super straight hair by using the paddle brush to straighten the hair while blow-drying them. Add a finishing touch by using flatiron. You can create a pouf at the top of the hair in the old-fashioned way by backcombing the hair at the crown and pulling back the sides and securing them.

A French twist is easy and popular and is thus, always popular with the ladies. Use pomade to keep the sides slicked back.

To add body and texture to thin hair, scrunch them by rubbing the wave-enhancing gel into hair roots, then blow-drying them upside down. Hair trends consist of many kind of hairstyles that can be categorized into four types: Hair styles that feature sleek, smooth, shiny hair with high gloss and clean and sharp edges are known as Laminated Styles, Gypsy Hairstyles consist of multi-texture hair with contrasting edges and worn-in roots along with fishtails and twists; Rolls and Knots include high or low knots that may be loose or fitted or may be out of balance. There are rolled up fringes and twisted panels too. There are Animal Hairstyles too that mainly consist of broken edges and frayed-out finish with dry matted texture and pelts of fur.

Bad Hair Days

Everybody has to go through some bad hair days when your normally manageable tresses seem to go wild and just do not settle in the desired style. The best way to avoid them is to get a good haircut that suits your hair type and lifestyle. If you do not have time to devote much attention to your hair, go for low-maintenance style.

Blow Drying

Blow drying your hair is perhaps the best method to straighten out your curls without treating them chemically ad it can be easily done at home, provided you do it the right way. Carelessness in handling the heat on your hair may damage them permanently.

Here are some tips and secrets to be the perfect diva that you can try at home, without spending a fortune in the beauty parlors and wandering from beauty clinics and saloons.

Dull and dreary hair takes away half the beauty of the face. Healthy, glossy, manageable hair that reflects light and falls around the face beautifully, is the dream of every woman that is not so difficult to attain after all.

Highlighting, finger painting or streaking your hair is meant to add depth to your hair and lighten up your overall look. The color must compliment your natural hair color or the color with which your cover your hair fully.

If you want to change your appearance the easiest way to do it, is to do something to your hair. Adding color to your hair is one of the quickest and most dramatic ways of changing the way you look. But choosing the right hair color can be a difficult task. Given below is information about different types of hair color


In the present times, dandruff has become a common hair problem, which bothers many people. Characterized as excessive shedding of dead skin cells from the scalp, it can either be chronic in nature or caused by certain specific triggers. One of the most common triggers of dandruff is frequent exposure to extreme heat

Hair comprises of one of those features that can make or mar the personality of a person. The type of your hair, as well as the way you style it, can go a long way in adding to your looks. All the people in this world are not gifted with the same type of hair. While some people take pride on their curly locks, others are simply in love with their straight hair.

The way your hair looks can make or ruin your appearance completely. Beautiful hair completes any appearance. Your hairstyle has to be perfect for you to look your best. There are a few of hair care secrets that are very handy and will help you make your hair look wonderful.

The most effective way to get healthy hair is to have a healthy diet. Lustrous, healthy hair is a result of a healthy body and a result of eating healthy food. Beautiful, healthy hair is a result of a healthy diet. There are certain foods that make your hair healthy and strong.

Your hair not only forms one of the important aspects of your personality, but also reflects your general health. It is very much vulnerable to the stresses and strains of your everyday life and also gets affected by the type and quality of food that you eat. If you are not taking care of yourself and following an unhealthy diet

Although the problem of oily hair is due to the over-active oil (sebaceous) glands, accumulation of dust and pollution can also make the hair look greasy. Oily hair needs proper care and regular washing, because dust and dirt stick to the hair very easily, making it even more dull, wilted and lifeless.

When you start finding your hair strands floating under the shower after shampooing or when you find that your comb has more hair than your head, there is a pretty good chance that you are facing the problem of hair loss.

Your hair is an important part of your appearance. If your hair does not look good, your entire appearance can be ruined. All of us would like to have beautiful, silky, shiny hair. But like a number of other beauty secrets many of us do not know how to make our hair shiny.

Trichoptlosis or split ends is a problem commonly faced by people with dry or very brittle hair. Split ends occur, when the protective layer of cuticle is removed from the tip of the strands. As a result, the hair splits into two or three strands, each two to three centimeters long, at its tips.


The haircut, which can well complement your persona, hide the 'low points' of your face as well as highlight your best facial features will be the perfect hairstyle for you. You can exude the 'celebrity look' in a matter of few hours, by stylizing your hair the right way. Today, innumerable ideas on the latest trend in hair cuts and styling are available in fashion magazines, newspapers and the Internet.

Though originally used to color grey hair, Hair coloring now has become a fashion trend among people, particularly youngsters. However, for different people, the purpose of using hair color can be different. Hair coloring is most commonly used to change gray hair to its original color; it is also used to get desired shade of hair color.
