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25 March

Top Microwave Oven Price and Review. Designerplanet

 Top Microwave Oven Price and Review. Designerplanet 

 Given the kind of lifestyle we live, where we hardly have time to make healthy meals, a microwave oven seems to be one of the must-have items in the home.

 From cooking to simple cooking and baking, the equipment can be used in many ways. It also has a control panel that makes cooking a hassle-free task. While there are many microwave ovens available on the market, the type of oven you prefer depends on your requirements, features and budget. To help you choose the best microwave ovens in India, here we have listed the top microwave ovens that are suitable for Indian homes.

Microwave Oven

Microwave Oven

Most Sold recommendations for you to pick from: 

Philips HD6975/00 25-Litre Digital Oven 

Godrej 19 L Convection Microwave Oven 

LG 28 L Charcoal Convection Microwave Oven

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