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Showing posts with label Best Eye Creams for Dark Circles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Best Eye Creams for Dark Circles. Show all posts

03 March

Dark Circles Under Your Eyes: Causes and Treatments.Designerplanet

Dark Circles Under Your Eyes: Causes and Treatments.Designerplanet 

Dark Circles Under Your Eyes: Causes and Treatments.Designerplanet

Some common causes include:


Falling asleep, extreme fatigue, or simply staying awake a few hours after your normal bedtime can cause dark circles to form under your eyes. Lack of sleep can cause your skin to become dull and pale, allowing dark tissues and blood vessels to be seen under the skin.

Lack of sleep can also cause fluid to accumulate under the eyes, making them swollen. As a result, the dark circles you see may be shadows projected by your swollen eyelids.


Natural aging is another common cause of those dark circles under the eyes. As you get older, your skin becomes thinner. It also loses the necessary fat and collagen to maintain the elasticity of the skin. As this happens, the dark blood vessels under the skin become more visible and the area under the eyes darkens.

Visual fatigue

Watching the television or computer screen can cause significant stress in the eyes. This strain can cause the blood vessels around the eyes to enlarge. As a result, the skin around the eyes may darken.


Allergic reactions and dry eyes can trigger dark circles. When you have an allergic reaction, your body releases histamines in response to harmful bacteria. In addition to causing uncomfortable symptoms, such as itching, redness and swollen eyes, histamines also cause blood vessels to dilate and become more visible under the skin.

Allergies can also increase the need to rub and scratch the itchy skin around the eyes. These actions can worsen your symptoms and cause inflammation, swelling and rupture of the blood vessels. This can result in dark shadows under your eyes.


Dehydration is a common cause of dark circles under your eyes. When your body does not receive the right amount of water, the skin under your eyes begins to look dull and your eyes are sunken. This is due to its proximity to the underlying bone.

Overexposure to the sun

Overexposure to the sun can cause your body to produce an excess of melanin, the pigment that gives your skin color. Too much sun, especially for the eyes, can darken the pigmentation of the surrounding skin.


Family history also plays a role in the development of dark circles under your eyes. It can be a hereditary trait that is observed in childhood and can get worse as it ages or slowly disappears. Predispositions to other medical conditions, such as thyroid disease, can also lead to dark circles under the eyes. 

Dark circles under the eyes:
How To Get Rid of Dark Circles Permanently

Natural Home Remedies to Remove Dark Circles
Home remedies may help treat dark circles. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle with quality sleep, stress management, and proper hydration may all help prevent dark circles.
Home Remedies To Keep Dark Circles Away!
1. Apply tea bags · 2. Use a cold compress · 3. Clear out your sinuses using nasal irrigation · 4. Stay hydrated · 5. Take an antihistamine

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