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Showing posts with label Mini Washing Machine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mini Washing Machine. Show all posts

16 January

Republic Day Sale में आधे से भी कम हुए Washing Machine के दाम. Designerplanet

वाशिंग मशीन

Republic Day Sale: सस्ते में वाशिंग मशीन खरीदने का मौका, SBI कार्ड पर मिल रहा 5000 का डिस्काउंट

Amazon Republic Day Sale 2025 अपने जोरों पर है और दूसरे दिन LG, Samsung, Whirlpool जैसी कंपनियों के वॉशिंग मशीन पर 60 फीसदी तक की बचत कर सकते हैं. ऐसे में अगर आप अपने घर में कोई नया प्रोडक्ट एड करना चाहते हैं, तो यह एक बेहतर मौका है. चलिए आपको बताते हैं पूरी डील के बारे में.बता दें कि सेल में क्रेडिट कार्ड से शॉपिंग या ईएमआई ट्रांजैक्शन करने पर आपको 10% तक के एक्स्ट्रा डिस्काउंट मिल सकता है. इस सेल में नो कॉस्ट ईएमआई के साथ ही एक्सचेंज बोनस और कई आकर्षक ऑफर्स का लाभ मिल रहा है, जिससे पैसों की भारी बचत करने का तगड़ा मौका है. सेल में वाशिंग मशीन, रेफ्रिजरेटर, किचन चिमनी, एसी और वाटर हीटर जैसे लार्ज अप्लायंसेज पर 71% तक की छूट मिल रही है. आपको एक्सचेंज ऑफर में 10 हजार रुपये तक का ऑफ मिल सकता है, जिससे कहा जा सकता है कि ऑनलाइन शॉपिंग करने वाले ग्राहकों की मौज हो गई है

Semi Automatic Washing Machine 

कपड़े धोने के लिए एक किफायती और बेस्ट ऑप्शन है। इनका इस्तेमाल करना भी बेहद आसान होता है। इनमें दो अलग-अलग टब दिए होते हैं, जिससे यह एक ही समय में कपड़े धोने और सुखाने दोनों का ही काम करती हैं। अगर आप भी एक ऐसी ही वॉशिंग मशीन सस्ते में खरीदना चाहते हैं, तो इन टॉप ब्रैंड की वॉशिंग मशीन को चुन सकते हैं। यह वॉशिंग मशीन 6.5 किग्रा से लेकर 9 किग्रा की कैपेसिटी में मिलती हैं।

30 हजार से कम में मिल रहा फ्रंट-लोड वाशिंग मशीन

अगर आप फ्रंट-लोड वाशिंग मशीन खरीदना चाहते हैं, तो इस Amazon सेल 2025 में आप इसे 30 हजार से कम कीमत में ले सकते हैं. यहां आपको कई कंपनियों के वाशिंग मशीन मिलेंगे, जिन पर दमदार छूट मिल रही है. फ्रंट-लोड वॉशर कपड़ों को अच्छे से साफ करता है और पानी व बिजली की भी बचत करता है. इस अमेजन सेल में इसे अपने घर लाने का सुनहरा मौका है.

टॉप-लोड वाशिंग मशीन की 20 हजार से शुरुआत

Amazon Republic Day Sale 2025 में आपको टॉप-लोड वाशिंग मशीन पर बेहतरीन डील्स मिल रही हैं, जिनकी कीमत 20,000 रुपये से कम है. इसका इस्तेमाल करना आसान है

खूब कम हुए हैं ये बेस्ट Semi Automatic Washing Machineयहां से खरीदें
LG 8.5 kg 5 Star Semi-Automatic Top Load Washing MachineBuy Now
Power Guard 6.5 kg 5 Star Semi-Automatic Top Loading Washing MachineBuy Now
Whirlpool 8.5 kg 5 Star Semi-Automatic Top Loading Washing MachineBuy Now
Samsung 6.5 kg, 5 star, Semi-Automatic Top Load Washing Machine Buy Now
Voltas Beko, A Tata Product 8 Kg 5 Star Semi-automatic Top Load Washing MachineBuy Now

LG 8.5 kg 5 Star Semi-Automatic Top Load Washing Machine

LG 8.5 kg 5 स्टार सेमी-ऑटोमैटिक टॉप लोड वॉशिंग मशीन (P8530SRAZ, बरगंडी, रोलर जेट पल्सेटर)

यह 8.5 किलोग्राम की कैपेसिटी में मिल रही सेमी ऑटोमैटिक वॉशिंग मशीन है। इस LG Washing Machine में 5 स्टार की एनर्जी रेटिंग मिलती है, जो बिजली की खपत कम करते हुए कपड़ों की धुलाई भी अच्छे से करती है। इसमें रेट अवे टेक्नोलॉजी दी हुई है, जिससे इसमें चूहे काटने का डर नहीं रहेगा। कॉलर स्क्रबर फीचर के साथ मिल रही यह वाशिंग मशीन 5 साल की मोटर वारंटी के साथ आती है और इसमें आप हैवी से हैवी कपड़ों को भी वॉश कर सकते हैं।

वाशिंग मशीन

Power Guard 6.5 kg 5 स्टार सेमी-ऑटोमैटिक टॉप लोडिंग वॉशिंग मशीन एप्लायंस (2024 मॉडल, PG65WM-Bk-OP, काला, पावरफुल मोटर, इफेक्टिव वॉश पल्सेटर, 1350 RPM और कैस्टर)

Amazon Sale 2025 में यह सबसे कम कीमत में मिलने वाली वॉशिंग मशीन है। इस टॉप लोड वॉशिंग मशीन में 6.5 किग्रा की कैपेसिटी दी है। यह वॉशिंग मशीन पावरफुल मोटर के साथ आती है और कपड़ों को काफी तेजी से धोती है। इसमें स्पेशल पल्सेटर दिया है, जो कपड़ों पर लगे जिद्दी से जिद्दी दाग को आसानी से हटा सकतस है। रस्ट फ्री बॉडी वाली इस Washing Machine में लिंट फिल्टर मिलता है, जो धागे, लिंट और बटन को पानी से अपनी तरफ खींचकर इकट्ठा कर लेगा।

Whirlpool 8.5 kg 5 स्टार सेमी-ऑटोमैटिक टॉप लोडिंग वॉशिंग मशीन (ACE DRY 8.5 Kg, ग्रे डैज़ल, 2x ड्राईिंग पावर)

यह ग्रे डैजल कलर में मिल रही लार्ज कैपेसिटी वाली सेमी ऑटोमैटिक वॉशिंग मशीन है। यह Whirlpool Washing Machine 4 साल की कॉम्प्रिहेंसिव वारंटी के साथ आएगी। इसमें कपड़े दो गुना तेजी से धुल सकते हैं। 1400 आरपीएम की हाई स्पीड मोटर से चलने वाली यह वॉशिंग मशीन हर तरह के कपड़ों को धुलने में सक्षम है। इसमें टोटल तीन वॉश प्रोग्राम मिलते हैं। इस वॉशिंग मशीन के इस्तेमाल से बिजली का भी खर्च काफी कम होता है।

Samsung 6.5 kg, 5 star, Semi-Automatic Top Load Washing Machine (WT65R2200LL/TL, Air Turbo Drying, LIGHT GRAY)


Voltas Beko, A Tata Product 8 Kg 5 Star Semi-automatic Top Load Washing Machine with Double Waterfall Technology (2024 Model, WTT80UHA/OK5I0I0W01, Blue, 5 Knob Control Method)


हाई कैपेसिटी वाले वाशिंग मशीन पर मिल रहा हाई डिस्काउंट

अगर आपके घर में ज्यादा कपड़े होते हैं, तो आप इस सेल में हाई कैपेसिटी वाले वाशिंग मशीन खरीद सकते हैं. इन्हें भारी और वजनदार कपड़ों को धोने के लिए खासतौर पर डिजाइन किया गया है. इस Amazon रिपब्लिक डे सेल में इसे अपने घर लाने का यह एक शानदार मौका है.

घर के कामकाज में वाशिंग मशीन की जगह ऑटोमेटिक वाशिंग मशीन के क्या फायदे हो सकते हैं

ऑटोमेटिक वाशिंग मशीन कपड़े धोने की पूरी प्रक्रिया को ऑटोमेटिक कर देती है, जिससे आपको कपड़े धोने के लिए हाथ से काम करने की आवश्यकता नहीं होती है। इससे आपका समय बचाता है और आप इसे अन्य कामों पर लगा सकते हैं।
ऑटोमेटिक वाशिंग मशीन कपड़े धोने के लिए हाथ से काम करने की आवश्यकता को समाप्त कर देती है। इससे आपके हाथों को थकान और चोट से बचाया जा सकता है।
ऑटोमेटिक वाशिंग मशीन कपड़े धोने के लिए उपयोग किए जाने वाले पानी और बिजली की मात्रा को कम कर सकती है। इससे आपके घर के बिलों में बचत हो सकती है।
ऑटोमेटिक वाशिंग मशीन कपड़ों को अच्छी तरह से साफ करती है, जिससे वे लंबे समय तक नए जैसा दिखते हैं।

वाशिंग मशीन के प्रकार

1. सेमी-ऑटोमैटिक वाशिंग मशीन

सेमी-ऑटोमैटिक वाशिंग मशीन में दो अलग-अलग टब होते हैं: एक वॉशिंग के लिए और एक स्पिनिंग के लिए। आपको मैन्युअल रूप से कपड़ों को एक टब से दूसरे टब में स्थानांतरित करना पड़ता है। ये मशीनें सस्ती होती हैं और कम बिजली और पानी का उपयोग करती हैं।

2. फुली-ऑटोमैटिक वाशिंग मशीन

फुली-ऑटोमैटिक वाशिंग मशीन में वॉशिंग और स्पिनिंग दोनों एक ही टब में होती है। यह मशीनें दो प्रकार की होती हैं: टॉप लोडिंग और फ्रंट लोडिंग। फुली-ऑटोमैटिक वाशिंग मशीनें उपयोग में आसान होती हैं और अधिक सुविधाजनक होती हैं।

09 January

Explore the top 10 Haier washing machine choices. Designerplanet


Top 10 Haier washing machine

If you are looking for a washing machine that works well and provides efficient cleaning, Haier stands out as a notable choice among other manufacturers. Known for offering excellent performance and long-lasting machines, this brand is known across the country. It offers a wide variety of options with various features to suit different needs and preferences. In this article, we discuss the 10 best Haier washing machines in India that are perfect to enhance your washing experience.

Equipped with the latest technology, these washing machines adapt to the unique requirements of your clothes. From advanced load sensing to customized wash cycles, Haier ensures that every load of laundry gets the attention it deserves, resulting in ideal cleanliness and care.

Come along as we explore top ten Haier washing machine choices and start your path towards a more intelligent laundry experience.


  1. Haier HW70-IM12929 Front Load Washing Machine
  2. Haier HWM65-AE Top Load Washing Machine
  3. Haier HTW80-186 Top Load Washing Machine
  4. Haier HWM60-1269DB Top Load Washing Machine
  5. Haier HW60-10829NZP Front Loading Washing Machine
  6. Haier HWM80-H826S6 Top Load Washing Machine
  7. Haier HTW90-1159 Top Loading Washing Machine
  8. Haier HTW95-178 Top Load Washing Machine
  9. Haier HWM58-020 Top Loading Washing Machine
  10. Haier HW65-10829TNZP Front-Loading Washing Machine


  1. Haier HW70-IM12929 Front Load Washing Machine
Haier HW70-IM12929 Front Load Washing Machine

Product Specifications:

Price Rs 40,490
Ratings 4.3 out of 5
Energy Efficiency 5 Star
Type of Machine Fully Automatic Washing Machine
Access Location Front Load
Capacity 7 kg
Special Feature Super Drum, Inverter Motor
Product Dimensions 59.5 x 46.8 x 85 cm
Weight 62 kg

About this item
Fully-automatic front load washing machine with Hygiene Steam: Best Wash Quality, Energy and Water efficient
Capacity 7 kg: Suitable for 3 – 4 members
Energy Star rating: 5 Star: Best in class efficiency; Annual energy consumption of 220 - 240V/50HZ KWH
Manufacturer Warranty: 5 years on product and 12 years on motor
1200 RPM: Higher spin speeds helps in faster wash and drying
Wash Programs: 15 Programs
Drum type: Pillow shape drum


Prominent features of the Haier HW70-IM12929 Front Load Washing Machine: 

Powered by a simple, efficient and durable inverter motor that can withstand regular use 

This washing machine maintains high washing standards while consuming less power 

It is equipped with 3 different sensors, namely speed sensor, shift sensor and weight sensor 

Keep clothes allergen free and remove lint residue from the cover and gasket after each wash


Requires less space
Budget-friendly appliance 
Easy and simple to use
Up to 12 years warranty 

Know more about this Washing Machine or GET THIS 


2. Haier HWM65-AE Top Load Washing Machine

Haier HWM65-AE Top Load Washing Machine is a must-have appliance to wash your clothes effortlessly. It is integrated with a cube-shaped drum that prevents abrasion and gives clothes a thorough wash to get rid of all stains.

Product Specifications:

Price Rs 21,490
Ratings 4.2 out of 5
Energy Efficiency 5 Star
Type of Machine Fully Automatic Washing Machine
Access Location Top Load
Capacity 6.5 kg
Special Feature Bionic Magic Filter, Childlock
Product Dimensions 52 x 55 x 95 cm
Weight 31 kg


3 .Prominent Features of the Haier HWM65-AE Top Load Washing Machine

Sporting up to eight wash programmes to offer cleaning as per the fabric and your laundry requirements
Powered by Oceanus Wave Drum technology to improve water flow and deliver gentle yet effective wash
The sophisticated Dual Magic Filter technology of this machine effectively collects all the lint and ensures a clean drum at all times
Designed with a transparent lid which is lightweight as well as facilitates smooth closure with Softfall technology 


Quieter operation 
Energy efficient 
Excellent built quality


With Haier HWM60-1269DB Top Load Washing Machine at home, washing clothes will no longer be a daunting task. This fully automatic machine comes with a fuzzy control function that adjusts the parameters of the machine according to the load, water conditions and other factors. This ensures optimal cleaning without much effort.

High spin speed
Less drying time
Ergonomically designed 
Quality wash 


Does not come with a separate detergent drawer



Product Specifications:

Price Rs 37,000
Ratings 4.2 out of 5
Energy Efficiency 5 Star
Type of Machine Fully-Automatic Washing Machine
Access Location Front Load
Capacity 6 kg
Special Feature Muscular Drum, Anti-Bacterial Technology
Product Dimensions 59.5 x 41 x 85 cm
Weight 60 kg

Prominent Features of the Haier HW60-10829NZP Front Loading Washing Machine: 

This user-friendly washing machine has a LED display that allows you to customise wash as per your specific needs and preferences
Anti-Bacterial Technology eliminates 99.9% of allergen microbes to provide a hygienic and safe wash
It is crafted with a Muscular Drum that harnesses the power of 128 muscles, ensuring enhanced scrubbing
With 1000 RPM (Rotation Per Minute) technology, it completes the laundry faster and reduces the drying time


Superior quality
Compact size 
User-friendly interface


It is a bit noisy
Designerplanet washing machine Haier


6.Haier HWM80-H826S6 Top Load Washing Machine

Product Specifications:

Price Rs 36,000
Ratings 4.8 out of 5
Energy Efficiency 5 Star
Type of Machine Fully Automatic Washing Machine
Access Location Top Load 
Capacity 8 kg
Special Feature Oceanus Wave Drum, Starry Silver
Product Dimensions 54.9 x 56.9 x 97 cm
Weight 42 kg


Featuring a Quick Wash program, this machine cleans clothes in just 15 minutes
Oceanus Wave Drum treats clothes with extra care and eliminates all dirt and dust for hygienic wash
The Tub Dry feature of this machine effectively dries out the clothes while preventing the growth of germs
Powered by Auto-restart functionality that resumes the operation of the machine with the same settings as before the power cut


Safety with child lock 
Eliminates tough stains
Up to 12 years warranty
Convenient to store 


It is a bit expensive

Know more about this Washing Machine or GET THIS 


7.Haier HTW95-178 Top Load Washing Machine

Haier HTW80-186

Prominent Features of the Haier HTW90-1159 Top Loading Washing Machine: 

This durable construction comes with high resilience to withstand high spin speeds and regular use
Equipped with a magic filter that collects lint and eliminates unwanted residue from the appliance effectively 
Double Clean Technology ensures a thorough and intensive cleaning process, combating unwanted stains
Made of tough glass lid, which is strong and durable to enhance the aesthetic appeal and ensure long-lasting use


Rust resistant machine 
Convenient to load
Superior performance
Facilitates easy opening

Know more about this Washing Machine or GET THIS 



Product Specifications:

Price Rs 23,900
Ratings 3.8 out of 5
Energy Efficiency 5 Star
Type of Machine Semi-Automatic Washing Machine
Access Location Top Load
Capacity 9.5 kg
Special Feature Magic filter, Softfall technology
Product Dimensions 90.5 x 52 x 99 cm
Weight 17 kg

Prominent Features of the Haier HTW95-178 Top Load Washing Machine: 

It comes with tough glass on the top that protects the control panel and enhances its aesthetic appeal
With castor wheels in the leg, this machine is easy and convenient to move from one place to another 
Integrated with a highly advanced Pulsator that creates a super strong water flow in the machine for effective cleaning 
The machine has a magic filter that collects the lint and removes detergent and dirt from the appliance effectively 


Takes care of the fabric
Prevents sudden drop
Keep rats at bay 
5 years motor warranty


The washing tub is small for 9 kg 

Know more about this Washing Machine or GET THIS 


Haier HTW90-1159 Top Loading Washing Machine

Know more about this Washing Machine or GET THIS 


Product Specifications:

Price Rs 28,963
Ratings 4 out of 5
Energy Efficiency 5 Star
Type of Machine Fully Automatic Washing Machine
Access Location Front Load
Capacity 6.5 kg
Special Feature Near Zero Pressure Technology, Muscular Drum
Product Dimensions 59.5 x 41 x 85 cm
Prominent Features of the Haier HW65-10829TNZP Front-Loading Washing Machine: 

Integrated with advanced Near Zero Pressure technology, which ensures perfect cleaning even when water pressure is as low as 0.0001-0.002 MPA
This machine boasts a high rotation per minute at 1000 RPM to wash and dry clothes much faster 
It has an intuitive touch panel with LED and numerous modifiers to program the washing as per your requirements
The gasket and detergent drawer is powered by Anti-Bacterial Technology to eliminate allergen microbes and create a hygienic, safe environment 


Consistent performance
Long-lasting usage 
Consumes less power
Removes stubborn stains

*Prices are subject to change

Know more about this Washing Machine or GET THIS 


Also see>>>[ Types of Dishwasher fir your Kitchen ]

How do we choose the best Haier washing machines for you? 

Haier washing machines are available in different capacities and function choices. It offers everything from small, space-saving machines to large-capacity machines for handling very large families. This brand focuses on energy efficiency, advanced technologies and user-friendly features, which make it not only effective but also convenient and durable. The machines of this brand start from Rs 11,000 and go up to Rs 50,000 and beyond. To help you find an ultimate laundry solution that best suits your needs, we have carefully selected the products by comparing them based on different factors. 

Here are some general factors we considered during the selection. 


Type of washing machine 

Haier offers both front and top loading washing machines, which are further divided into semi-automatic or fully automatic machines. Consider your preferences, available space and laundry requirements to make the right choice. Front loading machines are good for efficient and gentle washing. At the same time, top-loading machines are known for offering convenience and ease of use. Furthermore, if you prefer manual intervention, you can choose a semi-automatic machine. Otherwise, go for a fully automatic machine that handles the entire washing process itself. To ensure that there is something for everyone, we have listed different types of machines in this article. So, choose the one that suits you best. 


This is another factor of consideration that we paid attention to. We have selected machines of different sizes. From machines with a capacity of 5.8 kg to machines with a capacity of 9.5 kg, we have listed several options. Choose carefully according to your household's laundry needs. For families with more members, a machine with a larger capacity is a suitable choice. However, individuals or smaller households should get machines with small capacity. 

Energy efficiency 

We checked the energy efficiency rating of the washing machines while compiling the list. Machines come with different star ratings, which indicate how much energy they use. Higher rating machines are more energy efficient and contribute to reduced electricity bills.

Build quality: 

Consider the washing machine's robustness and build quality. Research user reviews and comments to make sure the device is reliable and long-lasting. 

Sound level: 

During the spin cycle, washing machines tend to produce noise. Choose models known for quiet operation if noise is an issue. Finally, look at internet reviews left by consumers who have actually purchased the particular model you're thinking of. This can provide insightful information about the washing machine's reliability and performance in real-world situations. Finally, you can learn more about the machine's capability from the Haier washing machine official website.


Frequently Asked Questions 

Question: Which type of washing machine—top or front load—is better? 

Answer: Although front-load washers have slightly longer cycle times, they are generally more efficient because they are made to use less water. Although top load washers may run faster than front load washers, they still use more water. 

Question: Is Haier washing machine a good brand? 

Answer: Yes, Haier is a good market when it comes to washing machines. It has built a reputation for using consultative, innovative and customer-friendly products that are quality and provide the ultimate customer experience. 

Question: Are Haier washing machines energy efficient? 

Answer: Yes, Haier machines come with energy efficiency features, which help them blend more powerful fragrances without compromising on wash quality. 

Question: Do Haier washing machines come with a dock? 

Answer: Yes, Haier machines come with a warc. Its duration depends on the product.

Question: Which low-cost Haier top-loader is the best? 

Answer: The best Haier washing machine at a low price is the popular Haier HWM70-AE 7kg fully automatic top loading washing machine. It is easy to use, effective and small. It is undoubtedly a fantastic long-term investment for middle-sized families with its eight wash programs, Bionic Magic Filter, Oceanus Wave Drum and Quick 15-minute wash cycle features. 

Question: What is the purpose of the Oceanus Wave Drum feature? 

Answer : The Oceanus Wave Drum is an innovative cube-shaped drum that effectively cleans garments with little damage. The Oceanus Wave Drum on the Haier washing machine replicates the inertia of the ocean waves. It provides an improved washing experience by reducing abrasion and tangling while gently handling clothes and cleaning them thoroughly. 

Question: What is the ideal water temperature in a Haier washing machine to wash clothes? 

Answer: A variety of water temperatures can be used with Haier washing machines. However, it may be more energy efficient to use cold water for most loads.


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05 July

Amazon Front Load Washing Machines. Designerplanet

 Exclusive Flat Rs.500 Coupon & Additional Rs.2000 Coupon Off on Front Load Washing Machines


The Amazon Sale is here with blockbuster deals on pre-order washing machines. Get ready to revamp your laundry routine with top brands and incredible discounts. Whether you're looking for advanced features, energy efficiency, or versatility, Amazon has it all. Don't miss the limited time to stock up on a high-end washing machine that will change the way you do laundry. Shop now and take advantage of these irresistible offers!

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Say goodbye to the hassle of hand washing or outdated equipment. The Amazon store offers a wide range of options to suit your specific needs and preferences. From state-of-the-art technology that ensures thorough cleaning and gentle care of your clothes to sleek designs that blend seamlessly into your laundry space, the options are endless. 

But don't wait too long! These blockbuster deals are available for a limited time only. So, get ready and take advantage of this incredible opportunity to get a great deal on a top-of-the-line washing machine. Your laundry routine will never be the same. Get ready to change the way you do laundry and enjoy the convenience and efficiency of a new top-load washing machine from the Amazon store! 

Amazon Sale Offers on Best Washing Machines Your search for the best washing machines ends today with these Amazon Sale offers. Check them out and choose the best washing machine for your home.

Amazon Sale Today: 
Q1 Front Washing Machine Deals. What is the best brand of full load washing machine? 

Ans. The choice for the best top-load washing machine can vary based on individual preferences, budgets and personal needs. However, popular and well-known brands for front-loading washing machines include Bosch, LG, Samsung and IFB. 

Q2. Which is the best washing machine in India?

Ans. There are some best top load washing machines in India. However, some highly recommended options include the Bosch Serie 6, LG FH0FANDNL02, and IFB Senator Aqua SX. These models offer great features, durability and performance, making them a popular choice among consumers. 

Q3. What size washing machine is right for a family of 4? 

Ans. For a family of four, a front loading washing machine with 7 to 8 kg is generally suitable. This size provides enough space to handle the laundry needs of a typical family of four without being too large or inefficient for smaller loads.

20 February

The Best Portable Mini Washing Machine with Dryer Basket | Mini Washing Machines For Small-Spaced Houses - Designerplanet

 The Best Portable Mini Washing Machine with Dryer Basket |  Mini Washing Machines For Small-Spaced Houses - Designerplanet




For bachelors, students or couples who share or rent their apartments, a typical 9-to-5 worker will not only bother washing clothes, but will be able to afford a full washing machine and take up a lot of living space. Seems hard enough to accommodate.

But there are portable washing machines for your defense. These small and light machines eat away at such problems. Portable washing machines are amazing and a perfect buy for anyone who wants mobility, low energy consumption and space management. Portable washing machines are cheap and affordable, perfect in one's apartment and on a budget.

Amazon Great Indian Festival sale- Best offer on Electronics. Home Appliances Deals .Designerplanet

Best Portable Washing Machines In India

Best Portable Washing MachinesCapacityWeightWarrantyBuy Now
DMR Portable Mini Washing Machine 3 Kg6.5 kg1 year Check the Price
Onida Washer 6.5 Kg12 kg1 Yr/6 Mnths on Motor Check the Price
DMR 46-1218 Single Tub Washing Machine4.6 Kg6 kg1 year Check the Price
Shen shell Gradient Mini Washing Machine3.5 Kg5 kg1 year Check the Price
Hilton Single-Tub Washing Machine with Dryer3 Kg6.5 kg1 year Check the Price

 DMR Portable Mini Washing Machine 

DMR is a popular and reputed brand in the washing machine industry. This portable washing machine comes with a semi-transparent lid through which you can monitor washing and drying. The washing machine uses a clockwise and anti-clockwise mechanism to efficiently wash dirty clothes. This system not only removes stubborn dirt but also ensures the removal of detergent residue and proper cleaning. The best part is that it doesn't require any installation and you can unbox it and start using it right away. It deserves the top spot on the list for its overall convenience and functionality.

It is a portable washing machine that comes in a compact size for easy fitting in a limited space. On top of that, it is very light in weight for easy movement.

It has a single tub construction and a capacity of 3 kg which means you can wash 6-7 clothes at a time in 15 minutes. The capacity of the spin dryer is 1.5 kg and you can complete it in just 6 minutes. You can wash almost any type of clothing, from bedsheets and curtains to jeans and skirts.

The total cost of the washing machine is relatively low and ensures low power consumption with low water consumption. You can wash and dry your clothes and a separate spin basket with cover is available.

Other features include -

    Lint collection - Lint collects separately and prevents it from mixing with clothing or settling on the bottom.
    Convenient knobs - Easily switch from washing to drawing mode and set the timer using the knob.
    Motor Type - Comes with a powerful copper motor for excellent performance and more durability.
    Auto Power Off - Set the timer for washing or drying and it will turn off automatically.
    Quick operation - full load takes 15 minutes to wash while spin dry takes only 6 minutes.

Decision -

With a capacity of 3 kg, the compact washing machine is suitable for people living alone, babies and most couples. Installation has no headaches and washing and drying are efficient and effective. With low energy and water consumption, this is an automatic choice for people with limited budgets and space availability.

What we like -

    Low energy and water consumption.
    Lightweight, compact and easy portability.
    No installation required.
    Suitable for single people or babies.
    One year warranty with free support.

What we don't like -

    Construction is not tough.
    Not suitable for a family of 3 and beyond.

Check the Price 


 Onida Washer 


 This Onida washer is a semi-automatic and 6.5 kg capacity top-loading washing machine. It has a unique hydraulic pulsator and with its powerful motor it delivers excellent performance and results. The detergent will penetrate the fabric thoroughly and remove stubborn dirt and stains in just one wash. No wonder it ranks second on that list.

On top of that, it features a special anti-rust fiber body for durability and the overall design is just striking. The build is quite rough and is protected from rust.

The machine comes with a unique buzzer feature for reminders when washing is complete. There are also two different washing modes available for different fabrics. The transparent lid also allows you to keep an eye on the washing.

It is designed for washing only and delivers a 270 W motor which is beyond your expectation from a compact washer. This packing is ready to use and the company offers an easy return option.

Other features include -

    Special design - The design is different and cute to accommodate the limited space and attract the attention of the space.
    Deep penetration - The unique hydraulic handle allows detergent to penetrate deeper and removes all stains and dirt comfortably.
    Comfortable Handle & Knob - Easy to move and easy operation with ergonomic knob.
    Add water - You can use a regular bucket, hose or pipe attached to the pipe to fill the water.


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Hilton Single-Tub Washing Machine with Dryer


This is another single tub washing machine with 3 kg washing capacity and 1 kg drying capacity. The overall construction makes it ideal for travel. The machine follows the spinning mode clockwise and anticlockwise for efficient cleaning. In addition, it is suitable for sensitive clothes as it has normal and gentle washing types. Although it is last on the list, it is very effective for bachelors and small families.

The body material is high-quality plastic that is tough and strong and can easily withstand normal wear and tear.

The copper coated motor may not be very powerful, but it does enable efficient cleaning. The feature of washing machine is that it uses less electricity and water. Washing time is 15 minutes and drying time is 5 minutes so this will save you a lot of time.

It is suitable for bachelors, baby clothes, spas, hotels, paying guests and so on. It can carry 5-6 adult clothes and 8-10 baby clothes. Not only that, it is suitable for all types of clothing from thick to delicate. You can carry it if you want, especially when you are traveling.

Other features include -

    Convenient knobs - Two knobs are available for switching to mode as well as setting the time for automatic shut-off.
    Inverter Friendly - It consumes very little power and therefore, a regular inverter device can run comfortably.
    Ready to use - The product requires no installation as it is ready with the instructions in the manual.

Decision -

It is the smallest and lightest portable washing machine available. With limited capacity, it is suitable for single unmarried people living away from home. On the other hand, it can be a special machine for cleaning children's clothes. Due to its small size, it is lightweight and compact and, therefore, easy to rotate. With solid construction and optimal performance you can definitely afford this with a limited budget.  

Check the Price

Amazon Great Indian Festival sale- Best offer on Electronics. Home Appliances Deals .Designerplanet

DMR 3 kg Portable Mini Washing Machine with Dryer Basket (DMR 30-1208, Blue)

Corceptive Mini Folding Washing Machine || High Powered Motor Compact Ultrasonic Small Automatic Cleaning Washer for Travel Home Business Trip || Easy and Fast use Washing Machine || Multi Colour 

DMR 4.6 kg Inverter Single Tub Portable Semi Automatic Top-Loading Mini Washing Machine with Steel Dryer Basket (DMR 46-1218 (W2Yr), Blue) 

 Onida 6.5 kg Washer Only (WS65WLPT1LR Liliput, Lava Red)

DMR 46-1218 Single Tub Washing Machine with Steel Dryer Basket (4.6 kg, Blue) 

Hilton 3 kg Semi-Automatic Top Loading Washing Machine (HIMW-300, Red)

Basilica Mini Foldable high-frequency vibration Washing Machine | Portable Washing Machine - Ultrasonic Cleaning Machine | Small Automatic Portable Underwear Folding Washing Machine 

