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09 January

Designer Planet:Best Benefits Of Lavender Oil For Skin, Hair And Health Oil&index=aps&camp=3638&creative=24630&linkCode=xm2&linkId=b9719dc5f9f72d6ea853f9a0d5d852f6
Lavender is a plant that needs no introduction. It is probably the most calming scent that a person can experience. It can also be added to various dishes to give flavor and can also help calm the mind and spirit.

1. Helps in Acne Treatment

Lavender oil is one of the few natural ingredients you can see to get rid of acne problems. Oil contains anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that can fight acne and swelling bacteria.

Just dab some lavender oil on your acne using a cotton swab, and see the desired result.

According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, aromatheists use lavender on a large scale to treat acne.

2. Assistant in the treatment of eczema

Eczema can be a very embarrassing skin condition, but only if a lavender oil does not work. This is because oil has the ability to relieve itching and reduce eczema (3) symptoms. It also removes moisture from the irritated areas on the skin, which facilitates the treatment process. It is recommended that lavender should be diluted in a carrier oil before use for this purpose.

3. Detoxification of the skin

Given the unpleasant variety of environmental toxins and other pollutants, our skin is exposed for most of the time, it is not surprising to know that the health of our skin is deteriorating with each passing day.

4. Burns Heels

Antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of lavender oil again play a role here. Oil is beneficial in recovering the burns, and helps in treating stains (or injuries caused by injuries (5)). In addition, lavender oil also works as a painkiller.

After placing the water under the water for about 10 minutes in the burned area, just pour some drops of lavender oil. Doing so may speed up the treatment process. However, keep in mind that in case of serious burn, you should consult the doctor immediately.

Note: Do not use spike lavender on burning because high camphor content can really bother the burnt skin.

5. Can help fix pest bites

Although there is not a serious problem, insect bites can actually mess up your daily activities. But this will not happen if you have lavender oil available.

Just add a few drops of lavender oil on the bite of bites or gonorrhea, and see plenty of itching and swelling.

6. For the treatment of weary muscles

We know how tired our muscles are after a long day at work; And we also know how to feel a good massage of heaven at that time. This is where lavender oil comes around, which you should not ignore.

Ideally, you can prepare a lavender bath by adding 4 to 6 drops of oil to a bath salts in a large bowl. Then mix it in water. Soak your hands or feet in this bath for about 10 minutes, and feel refreshed and relaxed.

7. In the form of toner

Lavender tones and strengthens your skin because it enhances circulation, which results in adequate supply of oxygen and nutrition to the skin cells. It helps in keeping cells healthy and promoting their renewal process.

You can make a toner at home with lavender and water. Boil 100 ml water in a bowl and then put it in lavender buds, so that they are completely immersed. Cover the bowl for a few hours to leave the decoction. Dry the mixture in a clean glass bottle and cool it down. Spray some water of this lavender on a cotton pad and slowly wash your face (after washing the face in the morning). This will refresh your skin like a toner.

Benefits of Lavender Oil for Hair

Essential oils are becoming increasingly popular due to the extra benefits of your skin and hair. Lavender oil is one of these oils that can promote hair growth and can treat various hair problems such as hair loss, alopecia, Russian etc. It can be diluted with a carrier oil to promote healthy hair and scalp.

08 January

Designerplanet: Amazing Benefits Of Tea Tree Oil For Skin, Hair, And Health Tree Oil&index=aps&camp=3638&creative=24630&linkCode=xm2&linkId=652280a9c20be7f22e2430f6d1493a3a

Tea tree oil is another essential oil in which there are strong antimicrobial properties. Also known as melaluka oil, tea tree oil comes from "tea" or "pepperbark" trees. In Australia, it has a long history of use in the form of antiseptic. Bundzalung, native of Australia, used the scent of crushed leaves to get relief from cough and used poultice to help heal the wounds.

Today, we know that tea tree oil is antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and antiprotozoil. It fights harmful organisms by harming the cell membrane. Tea tree oil also prevents the development and spread of yeast and fungi. To discourage the infection, oil can be applied to the top for the cut.

Like peppermint oil, Tea Tree has an effect on HSV-1. One study has shown that while the timely tea tree oil does not prevent recurrent ringworm, it can reduce viral load by 98.2%.

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

1. Fight acne and other skin conditions

Due to the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil, it has the ability to act as a natural remedy for the condition of acne and other swollen skin, including eczema and psoriasis.

A 2017 pilot study conducted in Australia evaluates the efficacy of tea tree oil gel in comparison to the face wash without the tea tree in lightly medium treatment of facial acne. In the group of tea trees, participants applied oil on their face twice a day for a period of 12 weeks. Compared to those who use face wash, those who use tea trees experience less facial lesions. There were no serious adverse reactions, but there were slight side effects like peeling, dryness and scaling, all of which were resolved without any interference.

2. Improve dry scalp

Research suggests that tea tree oil is capable of improving the symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis, which is a normal skin condition that causes bad patches on the scalp and dandruff.

In 2002, a human study published in the Journal of American Academy of Dermatology examined the efficacy of shampoo and placebo of 5 percent of tea tree oil in patients with mildly moderate dandruff. After the four-week treatment period, participants in the tea tree group showed 41 percent improvement in the severity of the Russians, while only 11 percent of the placebo group showed improvement. Researchers have indicated the improvement in the patient's itching and lubrication after using tea tree oil shampoo.

3. Cold skin irritation
Although research on this is limited, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil can make it a useful tool for soothing skin irritation and wounds. There is some evidence from a pilot study that after treatment with tea tree oil, the patient's wounds began to heal and the size was reduced. (6) and such cases have been studied which show the ability of tea tree oil in the treatment of infected old wounds.

Tea tree oil can be effective in reducing inflammation, fighting skin or wound infection and reducing the size of the wound. It can be used to cool the bite of sunburn, wound and insect, but only when it has been tested on a small patch of skin so that sensitivity of the topical application can be detected.

4. Fight bacterial, fungal, and viral infections

According to a scientific review on the tea tree published in Clinical Microbiology Review, the data clearly shows the broad spectrum activity of tea tree oil due to its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. This means, in principle, that tea tree oil can be used to fight against many infections from MRSA to athlete's foot. Researchers are still evaluating the benefits of these tea trees, but they are shown in reports of some human studies, laboratory studies and anecdotes.

Lab studies have shown that tea tree oil can prevent the development of bacteria such as pseudomonas erginosa, escherichia coli, haemophilus influenza, streptococcus pyogenus and streptococcus pneumonia. These bacteria cause serious infections, including pneumonia, urinary tract infections, respiratory illness, transfusion in the bloodstream, strep throat, sinus infection and ibodyago.

Due to the antifungal properties of tea tree oil, it may have the ability to fight or prevent fungal infections such as kandida, jock itching, athlete foot and tunnel fungus.

A random, placebo-controlled, blind study conducted in Australia tested the efficacy of tea tree oil in the treatment of athlete foot compared to the placebo. In the treatment group, patients received either 25 percent of tea tree oil solution, 50 percent tea tree oil solution or placebo. He was instructed to apply the solution daily in the affected areas for four weeks.

The researchers reported clinical response to 68 percent of the 50 percent tea tree group, 25 percent of the T-tree group and 72 percent in the placebo group, and 39 percent in the placebo group. Four of the 158 patients who participated in the study, used to moderate the serious reactions of the skin to treat.

Designer Planet: Peppermint Essential Oil Uses and Benefits Essential Oil&index=aps&camp=3638&creative=24630&linkCode=xm2&linkId=2edcffe8fc3e3f6a69db52b804a3db1c
Peppermint Essential Oil's fragrance is most familiar and pleasant to most. Peppermint oil is very intense and most other steam distances are more concentrated than distilled essential oils. At low dilutions, it is fresh, mint and quite uplifting. It's a favorite around Christmas and holidays, but it's also a popular round.

Peppermint Essential Oil contains Methol. Menthol inspires a cold sensation, and in a body's mist, peppermint oil can help to calm you down (in low vulnerability) or in diffuser.

Mint uses essential oils

Asthma, strokes, fatigue, flu, flatulence, headache, nausea, itching, sinusitis, headache [Julia Lawless, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1995), 59-67.] Probably Potent Rodents

Botanical name

Mentha Piparita
Common remediation method

Steam distillate
Plant Part is commonly used

Leaves and flowers / buds

Clear with a yellow color

Perfumery note

Strength of early aroma

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