03 March

Dark Circles Under Your Eyes: Causes and Treatments.Designerplanet

Dark Circles Under Your Eyes: Causes and Treatments.Designerplanet 

Dark Circles Under Your Eyes: Causes and Treatments.Designerplanet

Some common causes include:




Falling asleep, extreme fatigue, or simply staying awake a few hours after your normal bedtime can cause dark circles to form under your eyes. Lack of sleep can cause your skin to become dull and pale, allowing dark tissues and blood vessels to be seen under the skin.

Lack of sleep can also cause fluid to accumulate under the eyes, making them swollen. As a result, the dark circles you see may be shadows projected by your swollen eyelids.


Natural aging is another common cause of those dark circles under the eyes. As you get older, your skin becomes thinner. It also loses the necessary fat and collagen to maintain the elasticity of the skin. As this happens, the dark blood vessels under the skin become more visible and the area under the eyes darkens.

Visual fatigue

Watching the television or computer screen can cause significant stress in the eyes. This strain can cause the blood vessels around the eyes to enlarge. As a result, the skin around the eyes may darken.


Allergic reactions and dry eyes can trigger dark circles. When you have an allergic reaction, your body releases histamines in response to harmful bacteria. In addition to causing uncomfortable symptoms, such as itching, redness and swollen eyes, histamines also cause blood vessels to dilate and become more visible under the skin.



Allergies can also increase the need to rub and scratch the itchy skin around the eyes. These actions can worsen your symptoms and cause inflammation, swelling and rupture of the blood vessels. This can result in dark shadows under your eyes.


Dehydration is a common cause of dark circles under your eyes. When your body does not receive the right amount of water, the skin under your eyes begins to look dull and your eyes are sunken. This is due to its proximity to the underlying bone.

Overexposure to the sun

Overexposure to the sun can cause your body to produce an excess of melanin, the pigment that gives your skin color. Too much sun, especially for the eyes, can darken the pigmentation of the surrounding skin.


Family history also plays a role in the development of dark circles under your eyes. It can be a hereditary trait that is observed in childhood and can get worse as it ages or slowly disappears. Predispositions to other medical conditions, such as thyroid disease, can also lead to dark circles under the eyes. 



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How can I permanently remove moles from my face?

Author: Sakina Khatoon

How to Remove Moles || Why a mole may need to be removed.Designerplanet 

How to Remove Moles || Why a mole may need to be removed.Designerplanet

Buy The Best Mole Removal Creams

Moles are common skin growth. You are probably more than one on your face and body. Most people have anywhere from 10 to 40 moles on the skin.

Most moles are harmless and there is nothing to worry about. You do not need to remove the mole until it does not bother you. But if you do not like the way that affects your appearance, or if it is getting tired of rubbing your clothes, then removing the mole is an option.

You need to consider removing the moles that have changed. Any difference in the color, size or shape of sesame may be a warning signal for skin cancer. Meet the dermatologist for checkup.

Due to convenience and cost, you can be tempted to remove sesame at home. Before you try to remove your sesame with a scissor or rubbish on store-bought sesame cream, read it to know the risks involved.
Are there effective ways to remove moles at home?

Many websites offer "do-it-its" tips to remove a mole at home. These methods are not proven to work, and some can be dangerous. Before trying any home remedies to remove sesame, you should talk to your doctor about your options.

Some of these unproven methods include:

    Burning sesame seeds with apple cider vinegar
    Tapping on the mole to break garlic from inside
    Applying sesame to iodine to kill the inside cells
    Sinking with a scissor or razor blade

Other home remedies claiming removal of moles include:

    A mixture of baking soda and castor oil

    Banana peel
    Frankincense oil
    tea tree oil
    hydrogen peroxide
    Aloe Vera
    Linseed oil

Pharmacists and online stores also sell mole removal creams. To use these creams, first you scrape the upper part of the sesame seeds. Then you rub the cream in sesame. The products claim that within a day of applying the cream, a scab will become. When the crust falls, then the mole will go with it.
Safe option.
If you are self-aware about them, it is a safe way to hide them so that you cover them with make-up. If your hair is growing, then it is safe for you to tie or tie your hair. 

Of course, see a dermatologist as to whether the mole has changed the color, size, or shape, or if it is finished. These may be symptoms of melanoma, which is the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Extraction and removal of sesame can save your life. 

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Disclaimer: All images used in the blog have been sourced from Google purely for the purpose of informative reference. The models, celebrities or products showcased in these pictures are not to promote any brand in any manner.

AuthorSakina Khatoon 

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Top 10 Ice Skating Tips For Beginners

 Ice Skating Tips For Beginners

Do not look down - it's amazing how many people going out in skating, instead of looking at their feet at all times, they are moving in the direction in which direction they are going. Instead, place your head up and look in front of you so that you can at least see who you or whom you will be fighting! 

Get some good skates - if you are going out for the first time, skates available at most of the centers will be fine. But if you get a skating bug and decide to take it, then buy a good pair of skates which will provide the most important and most important, well fit and good support. The right way of tie skates - The right skates for you will not be right if they are tied incorrectly. 

Make sure your skates are not too tight or your feet will get numb, while your skates are very loose, your ankles will not get the right support. Gradually warm - Given that skating is usually in a cold zone, your muscles are initially cool. Before skating, throwing your leg on only one obstacle and starting to draw is not really wise. Stretching in a cold environment can cause muscle pain, so wrap it well (but not to restrict your movement) and start bending some and work till stretching. 

Get some lessons - if you really want to master the basics, then taking some lessons is absolutely essential. Take some group lessons that are available in most Rink and various types of eras. Take a friend along, because learning with someone will help you relax on the ice. 

Do not bend backwards - bending backwards will probably send you when your back is blown or worse. The best advice is to keep your knees folded and extend your weight. 

Put your arms in front of them and widen them to help them stay balanced. No one is stopping you! Naturally, one of the basic things that you need to know is how to stop. 

To stop, fold your knees, turn each toes inwards, pull your heel out, and push on your heel. This will slow you down and take you to a stop instead of doing it in an unfortunate stranger. Skate in the right direction - The direction in which you are skating in the beginning can not be of your selection, usually there is a directional rule to run on ice, either clockwise or vice versa. 

Do not try to round the ice skating ring incorrectly because you are hurting others and possibly even yourself. Use a temporary rink - If you are not lucky enough for your skating rink, then if you have any pop ups, then create the most temporary ice rink. Christmas is a particularly good time to try to move to a temporary ice rink in some major cities, so go with them, you have a good time, whatever your skating experience is. 

Do not take it very seriously - when you fall down (and make sure you are), laugh about it and go back to your skates again. 

Do not take yourself or your skating very seriously, after all, even the best end on their back from time to time. If you do it in style then it is even more fun!

So there are some useful ice skating tips for you to start it. Remember that proper instructions are important, especially if you want to step up to the more advanced skating used in figure skating, ice hockey or speed skating. But if you are skating for entertainment purely or skating for fitness, then make sure that you are actually having fun on ice, and if the worst thing comes, then make sure that your There is a good friend to get close down.

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Disclaimer: All images used in the blog have been sourced from Google purely for the purpose of informative reference. The models, celebrities or products showcased in these pictures are not to promote any brand in any manner.

AuthorSakina Khatoon 

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01 March

Golf Apparel & Golf Clothes Online

Best GOLF Products

Top 10 Golf Tips For Beginners Golf Tips and Techniques . Designerplanet

Top 10 Golf Tips For Beginners Golf Tips and Techniques . Designerplanet 

https://www.amazon.in/gp/search/ref=as_li_qf_sp_sr_il_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=fashion066e-21&keywords=golf product&index=aps&camp=3638&creative=24630&linkCode=xm2&linkId=933d7d18ff9de9f31b9e7dd91ea5ff72

Golf has a reputation for being something of an elite sport, played by aging men in eclectic colors. While that is still the case in some places, golf is certainly becoming more accessible and increasingly popular. Starting golf can be intimidating, with the presence of more experienced players always lingering in the back of your mind. These tips can help boost your confidence and playing style in no time.
Take lessons

People can be stubborn and refuse to accept help or instruction, preferring to try and make it their own way, the simple advice is don’t. Teaching yourself, even with a good instructional book, can lead you to get into bad (and sometimes irreversible) habits. A good golf pro may well have to take you back to the basics, but in the long-term, there will be lasting benefits to your game.

Don’t neglect your putting

Many people become obsessive about practicing at the driving range, constantly hitting hundreds of long range shots. While this can help, provided that you are using the correct technique; many golfers (both experienced and beginners) neglect their putting. Putts account for about 50 per cent of your strokes in a round, yet far less than 50 per cent of golfers ’time is spent practicing putting.

Work on your grip

Since the hands are the only part of the body that come in contact with the club, it is vital to get the grip right. Take instruction from an expert regarding the grip. There are three main grips: the interlocking, the Vardon and the baseball - decide with your coach which is best for you. A proper grip can take months to learn, so it is best to get used to it, even without hitting balls. For practice, try gripping a club while watching television. 

To help golfers, taking lessons from the PGA Pro is always a good option to help improve your skills, but there are also many informative magazines, videos and blogs like this one to provide advice. a few of you. So we wish you all the best this spring and summer as we hope to play many rounds! Have fun!

1. The Proper Golf Grip-

Golf is just like any other sport when it comes to training and repetition. You need to practice to get better, and it all starts with you keeping the club. Find a comfortable hold and take a few turns to see how it feels. Having an uncomfortable grip will result in a bad shot so you want to have the right feel for the club to have a better time hitting well. Here’s a fun video with step-by-step instructions on how to keep the perfect golf.

2. Attitude and Approach -

 When it comes to how comfortable you are, this is one of the most important parts of golf. The average golfer wants to bend over, kneel slightly with your upper body bent, and your arms in front of you. Your feet should be shoulder length apart and the ball should be placed in the center of your position. 

3. Putting-

In the opinion of many people, the most important skill to have when playing golf is the ability to put down. Deposit is where the money comes from. "Go show, put dough". Setting is all about touch and tempo. Most people think it’s easy to set up because they’ve been playing mini golf but when it comes to real golf, there are no bricks to set. Check out the tips posted here.

4. Chipping-

Having a good short game is definitely an important skill when you’re trying to keep your score low. We all miss the green, and getting up and down will give you the confidence you need to keep playing well. You usually use a wedge when it is closer to the green than the top of the club. Place the ball behind you and take a lighter light (depending on how far away you are from the hole). Try and hold the triangular motion in your arms and let the club do the work for you and keeping this technique will help you get closer to the hole. 

5. Ethics-

The history of golf dates back to the 15th century and since then, golf has been a game of honesty and integrity. No one likes cheaters and everyone wants to respect the game and play it the way it should be. Ethics is an important part of maintaining the success of the game. Every course has its own guidelines and best practices but you should always respect the teammates and golfers around you. The PGA has a list of great Golf Ethics tips to keep you and your friends entertained. Don’t underestimate the importance of maintaining your ethics

6.Make your hand a friend

Practice keeping the club in the right place even if you don’t play golf. Take the club home and each time you pass hold it for 30 seconds and soon your hand will be legally married to the club.

Knowing your golf ethics is a must. Without it, you could end up with all sorts of distractions, but you don’t even realize what you’ve done is wrong. Steering your trolley on the green can lead to good communication from the host, while playing slowly can lead to clashes with other players. If you’re going with someone with a little more experience, listen to them - they’re not just confusing and might just save you from making a fool of you.

7.Buy a second ball

If your game is exciting at first, you may lose a ball at a rate that your pocket can’t handle. Some vendors sell balls that were caught from a pond on the street, at a fraction of the price. It is probably a cheaper option to buy it from people who have used their initiative to raise them to earn a little money. Just be careful they don’t end up stealing your balls then try to sell them to you!

8.Go get ready in a circle

A golf course can take up to four hours, depending on how busy you are, so make sure you have everything you could possibly need. These include things like waterproof clothes, umbrellas, drinks, food, pens to mark your scorecard and most importantly a ball.

9.Don’t be pressured by other golfers

If you’re still not playing at a slow pace, don’t feel pressured by other golfers. If you want to pass them so you can walk into the game without being watched, that’s fair, but there’s no reason they should have the right to expect to just camp. Everyone is a one-time striker and should have a little patience, although sadly not all golfers do.

10.Always have money in the 19th hole

Part of the golf experience is a hotel or 19th hole, where players can get together, have a drink, compare scorecards and show off their latest equipment. It can be a useful place to get advice, find out about secondary equipment for sale, or even the golf social events that are being organized.

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Disclaimer: All images used in the blog have been sourced from Google purely for the purpose of informative reference. The models, celebrities or products showcased in these pictures are not to promote any brand in any manner.

AuthorSakina Khatoon 

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